Friday, June 11, 2010

The Return of Bigfish

Me and my Friends went to the ponds again today to try to get catch bigfish........Of Course, EPIC FAIL! This time, The Fish got My Friends Pole!!!!!! Me and my Friends Saw it Fly like 5 Feet Above the water, Somewhere on this post there is a picture of one about the size of it. How did it get in a POND?!?!?!? HOW?!?!?



Monica said...

I have heard of that happening before where a fish like that does get in a pond. They have just lived there so long that they get enormus. Sorry your friend lost his pole though. How many do you have left to use or did you try to get the pole back?

Jimmy said...

We went fishing the next day, and half his pole was floating in the water without the line reeling thing.