Thursday, January 29, 2009


Puppy 1PuppyDog 18Puppies

Go Xena!

Go Xena!

Go Xena!

Go Xena!

Xena went to the vet a couple days ago. My parents thought they had to put her down. The vet though, Just likes Xena to much. (Well that's what I think!) She has a lump on her back and the vet wouldn't even look at that! He asked if he could do X-rays. Nope. She had to go outside so they could get some uren. They examend and examend. Finally they came back in and said she
had a blatter infection. She got some medicen and I'm not even going to say how much that costs.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


data not applicable

Go Alyssa

Go Alyssa!


Go alyssa!

Today I decided to post about Alyssa. Shes had fevers recently and she has been saying her ears hurt. Today she went to the Docter. She keeps saying she doesen't want to, but had to. The docter said that she has an ear infection in both ears. So she got some medicen (of corse.) So my mom bought her my sisters and me a toy. She got a little magnetic fishing pole with some fish with magents on there mouth. Poor Alyssa. She is acting just fine. Right now shes playing with her dolls.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just for fun!

I'm posting this just for fun. Send this to your friends.

(Select and copy the words under the line.)______________________________________________________________________Hey This is an awesome blog. You really should come to it. Heres a link. www.dragonjimmy man.blogspot.com________________________________________________________][][[][] Send this back to five of your friends and the person that sent this to you!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Haircut and other stuff

Well today I went to the D.I, Then Walmart then to my grandmas. And after that my mom gave me a haircut. (A short haircut!) My dad got one to. We both look about 65% DIFFERENT! If you see me you will say Who the heak is that kid! You can finally see my forehead! Dylan tried pulling my hair, and he didn't pull anything! (He chewed on it though.) But the bad thing about MY haircut is, I got it in the middle of winter, Its itchy, and somthing else. But when I went to the D.I. I got a new shirt. and at walmart I got mouthwash that turns your teeth blue! (My dad says I need it.) So thats really all I have to post about. Fly Swatter

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Me and my friends!

Well, I was bored all day for a while back. So then I decided to call a friend(s) . All Except one couldn't. So the one came over and we played my DS, and jumped on the tramp. So We got bored and made up a game on the tramp. First we took off our shoes and put them in the center. Then we started to bounce them. The rules of the game is to try to keep your shoes on and to get the other persons shoes off. If you get 1 of the other persons shoes off then you have to go get it. And if both of the other persons shoes come off they have to get them. But what makes it hard is when you get off the other person can still jump. Plus you can only wear ONE shoe to get the shoe(s) back. Well that's all, pretty short post huh!ChipsMoonyClubToilet Reading

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Well if you read my last post you would have found out or already that my sisters like But, They found TWO different games that they like BETTER! So grandma if your reading this keep paying attention beacause I'm going to name a site they LOVE! So you can get them on that instead of letting them terrise your house! Okay, so the site they like is It is perfect for little kids! All you have to do is make an acount, and install something. Then you can play on that site all you want. It doesn't cost money inless you want to become a member. And I don't even know if THAT costs money. So now you can tame little kids!

Down with the computer!

Down with the computer!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Man, my sisters are annoying. when i was playing runescape chating with my neighbor my sisters came up to me and said, "Get off, we want to play!" So when i say no they start crying and say "Fine were gona go tell mommy!" So I'm in a chair at a computer desk thinking, so is that good or-bad? So I wait for a minute to get in troble, nothing happends. So I wait longer, nothing happends! So I get off the computer and go upstairs and there my sisters are in there room playing with a toy (sometimes their food!) So i tell them "I'm off the computer!" They look at me for a moment and reply with a simple "Okay." So I go in my room and play my nintendo DS for a minute. When I come out to get back on the computer, there they are on the computer playing on! Oh and my sisters' trying to get on the computer right now so, I'm not going to go on that cycle again so, Thats all!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How many?

I need to know... How many people are reading my blog? If you know a way I can find out how post a comment telling me. NOTICE: I need to find out EXACTLY how many people are reading my blog and it has to be FREE. Before you tell me your idea. Write either Exact, or ? then a hyphen. Exact means It WILL work and tell me the exact amount. And ? means you don't know. And I WILL write a post telling you whose idea I choose. If it DOESN'T work I will delet your idea and write a post saying that too. So tell me those ideas! Gold Coins

New years!

Happy new year I'm not going to write a big post. So here are some pictures of my party.

Me stuffing an oreo in my mouth
Molly & Emma blowing cazoos
My dad playing cards with my sisters.

This picture of dylan makes me think: "No, mom I'm not going to look at you if I don't want to, I'd rather look at daddy!"
2009 hat

Sara's wedding

Well my aunt got married not to long ago up in Logan. I don't know even one thing about the wedding. Beacause I was in a gym at a church will my parents, Aunts, uncles, and grandma and grandpa, and some other people. We stayed at a hotel for 1 night. And thats all I can think of.