Sunday, December 28, 2008

New blog!

I thought I'd let you know I have another blog! I will keep posting on this blog!
the link is:

After Christmas...

Yeah you all know Christmas presents... they are fun the first day is fun... second day is okay... the third day is a pain... and the fourth day is just a complete disaster! For instence, at my grandmas christmas party on Christmas eve I got a remote control car and some moon sand, And to make a long story short, Now its all over the ground with trident gum inside it. I wasn't going to say this but i got a nintendo DS for Christmas! My sisters are a pain. (Expecialy after Christmas!)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Talent show!

You can most likely tell by the title that I am happy! You WILL NOT belive what I'm going to tell you! Ok here it goes! I made it into the talent show!!!!! Woo-Hoo! Lets give a big hand for.......ME! If anyone wants to see it (it is free entry.) Its at Columbia Elementry School (Kazeville) Its on Friday December 19th at 10:30am. I will right a post about how it goes...It will probobly have some pics. So make sure you'r there!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Christmas story i wrote

A Christmas story
When the clock strikes midnight, the halls will be silent. The children will sleep. The tree will be still. The mouse will not move.
Slowly the clock will tick. And the Christmas spirit will spread. The jolly old fellow will swoop down the chimney. He will tiptoe down the hall, and he puts presents under the lit tree.
In the blink of an eye he swoops strait up the chimney. He calls his reindeer and fly’s away. The children sneak out of bed to see what he brought them. The cookies are gone, the milk is half empty. The children are happy. The Christmas spirit is all around.

Monday, October 27, 2008

5 day countdown!

Starting today, I'm doing a 5 day countdown to Halloween, Thats why my profile picture is me dressed up as the Grim reaper by the cauldron of death. So I now have a great idea for a Halloween contest. And who could forget the prizes? The prizes will be great things! So here is a pic of me as grim by the cauldron.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dylan's blessing....CAKE!

/Yum Cake! Awww dylans heart!

Well as most of you know Dylan's Baby blessing is today. My mom made an awsome cake! She is the best desiner. For cakes. Here are a few pictures of it.

....Do you ever get the point?

Yeah, If you look at the title...I'm mad. The whole point of the contest WANTED:Comments was to get me more comments.......Right when the contest ended.........Have you seen:Comments. =P So yeah ecspect another Contest. And i want more than 2 people entering it too. ( So thanks for entering the last one Mike+Steve : D ) I want at least 4 people entering. And prizes there will be a post about that.......

Pumkin Patch

A couple weeks ago my sisters went to A pumkin patch. Of corse I didn't go. But they had alot of fun. I wouldn't have. Aparently the person that gave my family the pumkins had a 300 pound pumkin. But not with him at the time. Here are a few pictures.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Target,Chores,and sisters

Well in case you haven't read the title read it now. Put all of those together. Target+chores+sisters=:/ - Well if you take out the chores its target+sisters Now think about that a 3,5, and 6 year old and the three year old and me are going to the store now i think you know the awnser.................................................................................BAAAD. Well on with the post~ Well I did A whole lot of chores to get this one thing thats only avalible at target. I mowed the lawn cleaned the bathroom and mopped the kitchen. So we went to target on wensday to get it, Of corse they didn't have it. The next night we were going to go to the target in centervile. My sisters of corse REALLY wanted to go. We went without them. But when we got across from davis high my dad said he had a bad feeling about going and took us back home. So Now i preety much am desbrate.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween costumes+ Candy

Old halloween coustumes. Parents just Love buying them. (Not really!) And who can forget that halloween candy we just can't get enough Candy! I'm being the Grim reaper like I was 2 years ago. But this costume is a lot cooler. I have an AWSOME mask, A black trick or treat bag (sadly small :( ), BUT I don't have a sycth. I know How can the Grim reaper not have a sycth? Well I guess i don't know. If anyone knows where i can find one comment and tell me. SUBJECT BREAK!!!!! Now about the candy Now who doesn't like candy? I'll tell you who, (ADULTS DO!) Well why do they give out candy? Good question. Well the awnser to that is: I don't know.
Happy Almost halloween!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Antelope Island

On thursday i had a feild trip to Antelope Island. It was a loooong drive. We went to Garr ranch. When we got there we took a 20 minute walk around the ranch. We saw alot of "buffulo chips" Not the kind of chip i would want to eat. When we got back to the ranch We got to do activitys. First we got some sheep wool and cleaned it with some really sharp comb thing. After that we twisted the wool and made them into bracelet things. After I twisted mine I said i didn't want it so someone ask me if they could have it. I simply said "Sure!" and gave it to them. Next we did my least faviret thing. We made a rug. Luckely we had to switch activetys right before he was my turn. :)! then we went and learned how to use some of the wood carving things pioners used. After that /i made a horseshoe ring. Then we played some pioner games and ate lunch. We left shortly. I miss antelope island. for more info on my feild trip comment or email me at

Mice mice mice kill the mice!!!!!!

As most of you pretty well know about the mice in my house. Well beacuse of that we are having baaaaaad luck. Just yesturday i think i saw a "rat" in my house. It look like a mouse............x6.......rat+house=EEEVIL!!!!!! I hate these stupid mouse problems!!!!! its cause my mom is always too tierd to shut and open the door. She props it open. So if i ever see that rat again.......Anybody got a oversized warhammer?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


If anyone wants to I will pay them back if they buy this for me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sneak peek to my newest book a dark soul

One day in a forest there lived a boy named Max Blue. He was a very friendly boy that was about 5 years old he had 3 older brothers named James, Alex, and Austin he also had 1 younger sister named Alyssa. James was the oldest then came Alex and Austin was in the middle Max came next and Alyssa was the youngest. And then a couple of years later when Max was 8 his parents got killed in a car accident. But James was 15 and old enough to take care of his brothers and sister. And one day Max walked outside and he heard a noise and then all the sudden his eyes turned bright yellow and he turned around, he saw this red creature with two horns on his head, flaming red eyes, and some very sharp claws on his hands and feet charging at him then all the sudden Max’s yellow eyes turned orange and he started charging at the creature then his orange eyes turned red and Max somehow started attacking. Trying to stop Max kicked the beast and it fell on the ground weakened. And then Max’s eyes turned back to normal “what happened” said max as he ran home he told his brothers but not one of them believed him not even his sister. Then at dinner Max kept looking out the window wondering where that beast came from and how he did that thing that really weakened the beast and if the beast would ever come back.

Why aren’t you eating dinner James asked? You wouldn’t believe me Max said. I would believe anything you say James said. I ALREADY TOLD YOU! Max said. Oh so it’s the “power” thing again huh. YES IT’S THE POWER THING AGAIN IT’S A TRUE STORY! Max said as he marched to his room. In his room Max got an idea. Max went down stairs and said James. WHAT!? Asked James if you don’t believe I have a power…………………………………………… Max heard a voice NO it said. James said what if I don’t believe your power. Uh if you don’t believe my power you uh “you get a piece of cheese cake” “what” James asked without noticing his Sister Alyssa screaming I don’t believe your power I don’t believe your power. Max said I’m making cheese cake James said make it pistachio everyone yelled boo no boo no boo no boo no boo no fine strawberry they yelled raspberry fine raspberry. Everyone cheered yummm Alyssa yelled I’m a “kitty cat”!

Alyssa is.....THREE!

Lyssa the no-neak Lyssa is so shocked shes happy!!

Not to long ago little Alyssa/Lyssa/Lizard/Biz turned 3 enjoy these pics of the little tree year old.

bending her head?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Contest WINNERS!

1st place winner is................the best of them all.............................the contest winner is........................................STEVE! Great job Steve! We all know mr.2nd MIKE! good job!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

3 days

The whole contest is closing in 3 DAYS!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I opened my blog for the day.


Hello evreyone Mr.Stuff here to tell you the news! You know Mike V.s Steve part 3 Well heres a little hint of Steves example. Look in the middle of his example to see something funny! :) Well Steve is going to be teriffic!

Mike V.S Steve part 3

Here come stage #3! The title is called wacky wild crazy no word words. What Mike and Steve have to do is type random letters to make new words. (Steve will be extra good at this one.) Want to see one of Steve's Wacky wild crazy no word words? Heres one he all ready did.

Nunc odio. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce tellus. Quisque fermentum nibh ut erat. Nullam lectus nisi, mollis quis, placerat non, suscipit commodo, odio. Ut consectetuer, purus vitae molestie luctus, nunc purus euismod tortor, quis mattis nisi est sed dui. Sed blandit leo eget justo. Nunc imperdiet. Praesent arcu nisi, dictum quis, fringilla eget, ultricies sed, est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam non est a diam tempus pellentesque. Sed placerat. In consectetuer metus ac nisi. Praesent mattis. Nam id lorem id dolor malesuada ullamcorper. Praesent purus sem, varius eget, porta nec, iaculis at, erat. Sed porta mauris eget lorem. Nam ac metus sed sapien dignissim aliquam. Vestibulum augue neque, dictum at, euismod sit amet, elementum eget, mauris. Ut ut eros laoreet felis cursus accumsan. Nulla volutpat sagittis ipsum. Duis mauris pede, laoreet sit amet, tincidunt in, vehicula in, metus. Morbi euismod porta urna. Nulla nisl purus, vulputate non, congue id, vehicula eu, neque. Sed dolor tortor, malesuada sit amet, scelerisque nec, accumsan quis, ligula. Curabitur vel ipsum nec dui iaculis porttitor. Phasellus ligula sem, gravida sit amet, volutpat et, convallis eu, libero. Nullam ligula mauris, lacinia in, pulvinar eu, vulputate imperdiet, metus. Morbi nisi. Donec id metus at nunc mollis tempor. Etiam elementum enim non massa. Mauris pellentesque condimentum felis. Etiam erat. Aenean varius nisi ut nisi. Nulla tempus nulla eu tortor. Duis non quam. Sed at dui. Vestibulum lorem libero, mollis vel, faucibus ut, tristique in, tellus. Maecenas nisi magna, sodales at, porta cursus, lacinia sit amet, augue. Nunc posuere molestie metus. In ante. In sagittis, magna sit amet ullamcorper interdum, quam turpis malesuada nibh, at tincidunt nibh turpis eget dui. Vestibulum erat ante, ullamcorper non, consectetuer tempus, feugiat eu, felis. Aenean at massa. In mi. Nam felis. Quisque sapien augue, egestas nec, pharetra ut, mattis a, urna. Steve is the coolest guy ever! Quisque blandit libero non purus. Pellentesque libero risus, sollicitudin nec, tempus a, luctus non, elit. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec ipsum. Ut sollicitudin lacus et est. Proin elit ipsum, ornare vel, condimentum eu, lacinia non, ligula. Quisque lacinia condimentum libero. Aliquam placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris leo nisl, rutrum eu, auctor id, fringilla sed, libero. Phasellus lacinia. Maecenas id velit. Sed eu ipsum sit amet augue egestas vehicula. Aliquam molestie, ipsum a pharetra dictum, lacus justo consectetuer magna, et blandit erat risus quis libero. Proin aliquam ipsum at nisi. In sit amet leo. In vitae leo ac erat egestas pellentesque. Donec ullamcorper luctus lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ligula nulla, sollicitudin vel, fringilla eu, commodo ut, augue. Donec eget pede. Integer laoreet nisi nec ligula. Duis bibendum leo sed tortor. Aenean fringilla euismod felis. Morbi vitae nisl sed sem pulvinar luctus. Maecenas libero velit, commodo quis, dictum nec, elementum vel, tellus. Aenean mi tortor, ornare a, placerat interdum, blandit eu, turpis. Pellentesque sapien est, commodo a, malesuada vitae, suscipit nec, leo.

Well thats an example of a wacky wild crazy no word words Steve, Mike get ready.

Dingggggggg GO!

Steves saying

Well you know stage 1 Mike won fair and square he commented when the contest was closed. Steve there are 2 more rounds. You can at least win 1!

Stage 1 Winner

IT all came together. The winner for stage

MIKE!!!!! :) :)


I am starting a vote about vice president to my blog. He/She will help me get Ideas for my blog so you will be able to vote on a poll comment on this post if you would like to run for vice president. Sence its agintst the rules to comment today I will not count it I will accept two people to run for vice president so COMMENTS AWAY.

Contest News day 3

Well lots of rule breaking for mike. Great job Mike! I am really annoncing the winner of Mike V.S Steve contest in a contest stage 1 At 9:30am! Steve you better hurry Mike is in the lead of Stage 1!

Contest day 3 CLOSED? (and a little mike and steve)

Well sense it is Sunday I decided to close up contest day 3. Steve,Mike I will anonce The winner of stage 1 TODAY. Heres a little hint. You can break the rules easily today. Hint Hint. Are you asking yourself how heres another hint LOOK ON THE RULE BORD!!! Ha ha. Will it be Mike or Steve find out today.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Contest Day 2 closed

Well day 2 has actuality gone by. Tomarrow sometime like 4:00pm I will anonce the winners for round 1 in Mike v.s steve.

Mike V.S Steve part 2

Well you guys looks like I have everything about the contest all wrapped up. What Mike and Steve are going to do is comment me there video and story then when I say Go it will begin. They are going to have 3 stages. Stage #1 is called rule breaker. They will be good at this one. They are going to comment me all the rule breakers they can! Mike, Steve you are going to break all the rules you can ON THIS POST! The rules you can't break are #1 NO SWEARING! #2 Don't put all the comments in 1 second. #3 HAVE FUN!

On you're marks, Get set,


Mike V.S steve part 1

since Mike and Steve are the only ones entered than I'm making a contest in a contest for them. Who will it be Mike or Steve? Keep watching my blog to find more about the contest and the contest in a contest.

Contest Day 2 open

Well Day one has passed and still only Mike and Steve have entered. Steve is at 7 and mike is at 5. So you better hurry up if you want to win. Because there are 2 prizes and only 2 people are in this contest. Also I don't think many people are reading this if you are then do exactly as I say.

(Select and copy the words under the line.)
Hey This is an awesome blog. You really should come to it. Heres a link. www.dragonjimmy
Did you Select and copy the part in the box made by lines? Hopefully you did. Now that you have it Selected and copied go to whatever you use to e-mail. Right click your mouse on the writting part. Then press paste. Then go to the place where you write who the email is to. Now right your friends email addresses. Then click send and your finished. If you did that leave me a comment for THIS post saying Bobby. Yes it will count in the contest if you entered. Remember to join look on my mainpage for the contest news day 2.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Contest day 1 closed.

Day 1 has ended. The contest is closed tell tomarow. Anyone that leaves another comment will be discualified. I will open up the contest tommarow morning.

Contest NEWS

Here on contest News I've just found out that the contest is really ending on APRIL/30/2008 So you have less time to comment. It is the 18th of april so hurry up commenters. you won't win if you don't comment or break the rules but steve and mike arn't discollified cause they didint know the rules. If you want to know the rules then look and the north/left of my blog mainpage. SO thats the news.

Comment Contest Day 1

On day one things are going weird. Steve and Mike are the only ones part-way entered. What they need to do is #1 Steve needs to stop cheating. #2 They need to send me a comment to me telling me the stiry they would have if they win 2nd and a video from youtube if they win 1st place. #3 they need to leave comments on OTHER posts. #4 They need to stop fighting. #5 They need to be reading this. If you want to sign up or have signed up those are almost all the rules they/you need to do. Thats day 1 look at day 2 tommarow.




Saturday, April 12, 2008

Alvin and the chipmunks

Well on......... uh ........... someday in April (This year:) We went to block buster. I saw a sign for Alvin and the chipmunks. I ran and ran! I saw another sign that said "rent it tommarow." I was sad. Then just yesterday night my mom came home with................... Alvin and the chipmunks! I just finished watching it. It is the most hilarious movie I've seen in my whole 9 year old life. Who ever is reading this WATCH ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS!!!!!!! P.s you may see lots of alvin and the chipmunks stuff on this blog. :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Me and my nerdy family

Well as most of you know me and my dad usally get in fights (all the time.) He is evil. My sister Emma never does stuff she can do. For example the light is off. Emma will cry and say "I can't do it! do it for me!" My mom will yell at her. Then my dad will come in. Thats where the bad part starts. Molly will say don't be mean to Emma to my dad. Then my dad will say "I'm not shes just not doing what she is supposed to do." Then Molly will say "Your not the boss!" Alyssa will do the same as Molly. My mom is ALWAYS cranky. And I am just way to CRAZY. If my family is this nerdy Imagen how crazy my little brother is going to be.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy birthday to myself!

Well I assume its a little late to be saying happy b-day to me. But I didn't have time to on my birthday! Its fun being 9. These are some of the things I got for my b-day. I got a box of candy, 30 bucks, moon sand, a tamagotchi V5, a lego spider thingy thingamajig, An are you smarter than a 5th grader game, and a net jet. If you liked it when you where 9 leave a comment and tell me. P.S If you like Humor, wars, pie, goblins, and other stuff here are some great websites, ( My favorite! : D )