Monday, October 27, 2008

5 day countdown!

Starting today, I'm doing a 5 day countdown to Halloween, Thats why my profile picture is me dressed up as the Grim reaper by the cauldron of death. So I now have a great idea for a Halloween contest. And who could forget the prizes? The prizes will be great things! So here is a pic of me as grim by the cauldron.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dylan's blessing....CAKE!

/Yum Cake! Awww dylans heart!

Well as most of you know Dylan's Baby blessing is today. My mom made an awsome cake! She is the best desiner. For cakes. Here are a few pictures of it.

....Do you ever get the point?

Yeah, If you look at the title...I'm mad. The whole point of the contest WANTED:Comments was to get me more comments.......Right when the contest ended.........Have you seen:Comments. =P So yeah ecspect another Contest. And i want more than 2 people entering it too. ( So thanks for entering the last one Mike+Steve : D ) I want at least 4 people entering. And prizes there will be a post about that.......

Pumkin Patch

A couple weeks ago my sisters went to A pumkin patch. Of corse I didn't go. But they had alot of fun. I wouldn't have. Aparently the person that gave my family the pumkins had a 300 pound pumkin. But not with him at the time. Here are a few pictures.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Target,Chores,and sisters

Well in case you haven't read the title read it now. Put all of those together. Target+chores+sisters=:/ - Well if you take out the chores its target+sisters Now think about that a 3,5, and 6 year old and the three year old and me are going to the store now i think you know the awnser.................................................................................BAAAD. Well on with the post~ Well I did A whole lot of chores to get this one thing thats only avalible at target. I mowed the lawn cleaned the bathroom and mopped the kitchen. So we went to target on wensday to get it, Of corse they didn't have it. The next night we were going to go to the target in centervile. My sisters of corse REALLY wanted to go. We went without them. But when we got across from davis high my dad said he had a bad feeling about going and took us back home. So Now i preety much am desbrate.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween costumes+ Candy

Old halloween coustumes. Parents just Love buying them. (Not really!) And who can forget that halloween candy we just can't get enough Candy! I'm being the Grim reaper like I was 2 years ago. But this costume is a lot cooler. I have an AWSOME mask, A black trick or treat bag (sadly small :( ), BUT I don't have a sycth. I know How can the Grim reaper not have a sycth? Well I guess i don't know. If anyone knows where i can find one comment and tell me. SUBJECT BREAK!!!!! Now about the candy Now who doesn't like candy? I'll tell you who, (ADULTS DO!) Well why do they give out candy? Good question. Well the awnser to that is: I don't know.
Happy Almost halloween!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Antelope Island

On thursday i had a feild trip to Antelope Island. It was a loooong drive. We went to Garr ranch. When we got there we took a 20 minute walk around the ranch. We saw alot of "buffulo chips" Not the kind of chip i would want to eat. When we got back to the ranch We got to do activitys. First we got some sheep wool and cleaned it with some really sharp comb thing. After that we twisted the wool and made them into bracelet things. After I twisted mine I said i didn't want it so someone ask me if they could have it. I simply said "Sure!" and gave it to them. Next we did my least faviret thing. We made a rug. Luckely we had to switch activetys right before he was my turn. :)! then we went and learned how to use some of the wood carving things pioners used. After that /i made a horseshoe ring. Then we played some pioner games and ate lunch. We left shortly. I miss antelope island. for more info on my feild trip comment or email me at

Mice mice mice kill the mice!!!!!!

As most of you pretty well know about the mice in my house. Well beacuse of that we are having baaaaaad luck. Just yesturday i think i saw a "rat" in my house. It look like a mouse............x6.......rat+house=EEEVIL!!!!!! I hate these stupid mouse problems!!!!! its cause my mom is always too tierd to shut and open the door. She props it open. So if i ever see that rat again.......Anybody got a oversized warhammer?