Saturday, April 19, 2008

Contest Day 2 open

Well Day one has passed and still only Mike and Steve have entered. Steve is at 7 and mike is at 5. So you better hurry up if you want to win. Because there are 2 prizes and only 2 people are in this contest. Also I don't think many people are reading this if you are then do exactly as I say.

(Select and copy the words under the line.)
Hey This is an awesome blog. You really should come to it. Heres a link. www.dragonjimmy
Did you Select and copy the part in the box made by lines? Hopefully you did. Now that you have it Selected and copied go to whatever you use to e-mail. Right click your mouse on the writting part. Then press paste. Then go to the place where you write who the email is to. Now right your friends email addresses. Then click send and your finished. If you did that leave me a comment for THIS post saying Bobby. Yes it will count in the contest if you entered. Remember to join look on my mainpage for the contest news day 2.


Mike said...


Mike said...


Mike said...

Now who is winning? Huh?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike is cheating now!

Anonymous said...

stop cheating Mike!

Mike said...

I don't cheat nearly as much as you Steve.

Mike said...


Mike said...

by the way, here is a video


Mike said...



Jimmy said...

Your both cheaters mike put 3 bobbys! by the way you guys are tied 10 to 10!